When Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

Lawyers provide legal advice and guidance during a car accident claim. An experienced lawyer can assess the value of your claim so that you know when you have received a fair settlement offer. And your lawyer will represent your interests and advocate for the most favorable outcome.

Not every crash victim hires a lawyer. But San Diego car accident lawyers can address situations that erode the value of your case. As a result, represented accident victims often get better and quicker resolutions in their cases than those without legal representation.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a collision in San Diego, California, contact an attorney at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers for a free initial consultation at (619) 777-5555

When To Hire a San Diego Car Accident Lawyer for Help With Your Claim

You increase your chances of getting a fair settlement or verdict if you have a lawyer. You should consider hiring a lawyer anytime you need to file a personal injury claim.

But when exactly should you hire a car accident lawyer? Specific situations when you need a car accident lawyer’s assistance include:

Your Loved One Died in a Car Accident

California gives family members of deceased accident victims the right to pursue a wrongful death claim. These claims allow a family to recover damages to cover a variety of losses. To make sure you receive full compensation for the loss of your loved one, you should consider hiring a lawyer to assist you with your wrongful death claim.

You Suffered a Serious Injury

Compensation for most of the common car accident injury claims can cover economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages include past and future medical expenses, past and future wage losses, and diminishment in your earning capacity. Non-economic damages try to account for all the ways your injuries impacted your quality of life.

Proving damages requires evidence, skill, and experience. A serious injury could permanently disable you from earning a living and caring for yourself. Are you still wondering what you should do after an accident when injured? You should consider hiring a lawyer to make sure that you claim all the losses you suffered due to your accident.

The Insurer Denied Your Claim

Insurance adjusters deny claims for many reasons, including:

  • Your injuries were preexisting
  • The policyholder was not negligent
  • You did not substantiate your losses
  • The policyholder did not cause your injuries

When your claim gets denied, you must overcome the denial or your claim could end. You should consider hiring a lawyer after a claim denial to give yourself the best chance of overcoming it.

The Other Driver Blames You

One tactic used by insurers is to blame you for the accident. If you caused the car accident, in whole or in part, the insurer’s liability drops.

California uses pure comparative fault to allocate liability. Under pure comparative fault laws, your percentage of negligence reduces your financial award. For example, if you get 30% of the blame for your injuries, you can only be awarded 70% of your losses.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Auto Accident Lawyers in San Diego If You Have Questions

Insurers will use every strategy, including denials and delays, to fight your claim. To learn how Auto Accident Lawyers in San Diego can keep your injury case on track, contact Mission Personal Injury Lawyers to answer some of your FAQs during a free consultation.

Other Common San Diego Car Accident Claims We Handle

Our law firm handles all types of car accident cases involving:

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