Chula Vista Lyft Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in an accident involving a Lyft rideshare vehicle in Chula Vista, CA? If so, you may have options available to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional trauma. A Chula Vista Lyft accident lawyer at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers will help you identify every potential source for financial recovery. Contacts us today at (619) 722-3032 to schedule a free consultation.

Our legal team has over four decades of combined experience helping personal injury victims obtain justice after being involved in an accident, such as a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, construction accident, bicycle accident, Chula Vista medical malpractice, product liability, Chula Vista premises liability, and more types of accidents in California. Since our law firm’s founding in 2010, we’ve acquired tens of millions of dollars for our injured clients. 

If you have questions or need legal assistance after a Lyft accident in Chula Vista, California, contact us to schedule a free consultation. We’re available 24/7, so you can get the advice you need whenever you’re ready.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help After a Lyft Accident in Chula Vista, CA?

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help After a Lyft Accident in Chula Vista, CA?

Accident cases involving Lyft drivers can get complicated. You need to know what the rideshare driver was doing at the time of the collision to determine which insurance policy applies. Additionally, multiple policies may cover the accident, further confusing matters. 

Our experienced Chula Vista personal injury lawyers can help you navigate these and other issues pertaining to your Lyft accident. We’ll protect your rights and ensure you’re treated fairly throughout your car accident case. 

If you hire Mission Personal Injury Lawyers for assistance after a Lyft accident, we can help you by: 

  • Investigating what caused the collision and who shares liability 
  • Providing sound legal advice and guidance throughout your case
  • Gathering information and evidence proving the elements of your claim 
  • Negotiating and communicating with insurance companies and other opponents for a fair settlement that fully compensates you 
  • Representing you at trial in San Diego County if we cannot reach an out-of-court agreement

You don’t have to handle your Lyft accident claim alone. Our Chula Vista personal injury attorneys are here to assist, so call now to schedule a free case evaluation to discuss your legal options. 

What Is the Value of My Chula Vista Lyft Accident Case?

All Lyft accident cases are unique, with different victims, levels of injury, and circumstances. 

When assessing the value of your case, our Chula Vista Lyft accident lawyers will evaluate: 

  • Your injuries, their severity, and their impact on your physical, emotional, and financial well-being 
  • Your ability to work after the accident 
  • The medical expenses and other costs associated with the Lyft accident
  • The pain, suffering, and mental trauma you’ve endured
  • The insurance policy that covers your accident 
  • Whether you share any of the blame for the accident 
  • Whether you sustained any permanent disability or impairment 

Generally, the more severe and life-changing your injuries, the more your case will be worth. However, we’ll look at the totality of your claim to determine its value.

How Does Insurance Apply in a Lyft Accident Claim?

After a car accident in California, the at-fault party’s liability insurance policy covers the victim’s damages. However, when a Lyft driver is involved, different policies may apply based on what the driver was doing during the crash.

The Lyft Driver Had the App On and Was Awaiting a Ride Request

If the accident occurred when the Lyft driver had the app on but wasn’t carrying a passenger, the following insurance limits apply: 

  • $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person 
  • $100,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident 
  • $25,000 in property damage liability coverage per accident

This third-party coverage applies if the Lyft driver’s personal policy doesn’t cover the incident.

The Lyft Driver Was Picking Up or Transporting a Rider 

If the accident happened when the Lyft driver was either on the way to pick up a rider or was transporting a passenger, Lyft’s $1 million liability coverage applies.

This insurance policy kicks in from the moment the Lyft driver accepts a ride request to when the ride is complete. 

The Lyft Driver Was Offline

If the Lyft driver’s app was turned off when the accident occurred, their personal auto insurance policy applies. In other words, the incident is treated like any other collision in California.

What Compensation Is Available To Lyft Accident Victims in Chula Vista, California?

If you were involved in a Lyft or Uber accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your financial costs (economic damages) and subjective, personal losses (non-economic damages).

Economic damages after a rideshare accident in California could include: 

  • Past medical expenses, like ER bills, doctor’s visits, urgent care, surgery, and treatment 
  • Future medical costs, such as physical therapy, rehab, and follow-up care
  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for things like childcare, travel, and medications 

Non-economic damages after a rideshare accident in CA could include: 

In cases where a defendant acted with conscious disregard for your safety – such as in DUI accidents – the court may award punitive damages. Our car accident attorneys in Chula Vista will evaluate your losses and determine which damages apply to your claim.

Can I Recover Damages If I’m Partially At Fault for a Lyft Accident in California?

California implements a pure comparative negligence law, which is the most victim-friendly contributory fault principle. 

As long as you aren’t 100% responsible for the Lyft accident, you could potentially recover compensation from another party. However, your settlement or jury award will be reduced by your portion of responsibility for the rideshare accident. 

For example, say you’re 45% responsible for the Lyft accident. You’d only be entitled to 55% of your awarded damages. 

Insurance adjusters love to use comparative fault to their advantage. The more blame they can shift to the accident victim, the less they have to pay for the claim. However, they must have proof to back up their claims. 

If you’re being blamed for an accident, contact an experienced Lyft accident attorney in Chula Vista for assistance.

Common Injuries Suffered in Lyft Accidents

Like any other motor vehicle accident, a Lyft collision can cause all types of injuries, including: 

In severe collisions, you may tragically lose a loved one. If so, we can help you file a wrongful death claim for the loss of your family member’s support and companionship.

What Causes Most Lyft Accidents in Chula Vista?

Lyft drivers must meet certain requirements before they can drive for the company. They must submit documentation and complete a driver screening process. However, they don’t need a special license or safety training. 

Additionally, rideshare drivers often rush to pick up as many passengers as possible – leading to careless and reckless driving behaviors. However, other drivers and people sharing the road can also pose a threat.

Potential causes of Lyft accidents in California include: 

  • Driver fatigue 
  • Distracted driving, such as looking at the Lyft app or talking to passengers
  • Speeding 
  • Running through red lights and stop signs
  • Unsafe passing or lane changes
  • Stopping in unsafe places to pick up or drop off passengers
  • Road rage and aggressive driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Negligent actions by motorcyclists, bicyclists, or pedestrians

Other potential causes include defective auto parts, such as brakes or tires. Unfamiliarity with an area can also lead to mistakes, such as driving the wrong way or making an illegal turn. 

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Lyft Accident in Chula Vista, CA?

Negligence is the failure to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others; it consists of four elements: 

To prove that the Lyft driver (or another at-fault party) was negligent, you’ll need evidence, such as: 

  • Police report or accident report
  • Medical records 
  • Surveillance or traffic footage
  • Photos and videos of the accident and injuries 
  • Eyewitness and expert witness testimony

Our Chula Vista car accident lawyers will gather the evidence needed to prove your Lyft accident claim.

How Long Do I Have To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Lyft Accident in California? 

California’s statute of limitations provides a deadline for filing personal injury cases. 

You typically have two years from the date of the Lyft accident to pursue a legal claim against the at-fault driver. If you lost your loved one, the statutory deadline is two years from their date of death (which may differ from the car accident date).

There may be exceptions, so it’s essential to speak with a personal injury attorney in Chula Vista to preserve your rights. If you miss the statute of limitations, you’ll lose your right to take legal action. 

Contact Our Chula Vista Lyft Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation

If you were hurt in a Lyft accident in Chula Vista, CA, you have limited time to seek compensation for your losses. Mission Personal Injury Lawyers will handle your legal claim while you focus on your health and well-being. 

Call us today for a free initial consultation to discuss the best path forward to financial recovery.

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