Chula Vista has a reasonably good record for traffic safety compared to the rest of San Diego County. Traffic accidents and fatalities in Chula Vista are lower than expected based on the city’s population.
But car accidents still happen. In 2021, these accidents claimed 13 lives and injured more than 1,100 motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Below, you will learn about Chula Vista car accident statistics and how you can seek compensation for injuries you sustain in an accident.
Contact Mission Personal Injury Lawyers today by calling at (619) 722-3032 to schedule a free consultation with a Chula Vista car accident lawyer.
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How Common Are Car Accidents in Chula Vista, CA?
The University of California, Berkeley, maintains the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS). This interactive website collects information from California crash reports filed by motorists and police officers after an accident. This system provides the statistics and maps referenced below.
According to TIMS, Chula Vista had 797 traffic accidents in 2021 that caused injury or death.
For its population, this number is relatively low. Chula Vista has 8.4% of San Diego County’s population but only 6.0% of San Diego County’s traffic accidents. This means motorists in the rest of San Diego County are 1.4 times more likely to have a car accident than motorists in Chula Vista.
Overview of Chula Vista Car Accident Statistics
Chula Vista’s 797 traffic accidents included 67 pedestrian accidents and 37 bicycle accidents. Commercial vehicles like semi-trucks were involved in 18 truck accidents. Chula Vista also had 66 motorcycle accidents.
How Chula Vista Car Accidents Happen
According to TIMS, rear-end collisions made up over 29% of Chula Vista crashes. This makes rear-end crashes the most common type of collision in the city. These crashes happen when one car hits the back of another vehicle. Common causes for rear-end collisions include speeding and tailgating.
Broadside collisions were almost as common as rear-end collisions, at nearly 29% of accidents. A broadside crash occurs when the front end of one car hits the side of another, usually when one vehicle fails to yield the right-of-way at an intersection.
Over 11% of crashes involved a sideswipe, in which the side of one vehicle hits the side of another. Sideswipe accidents happen when a vehicle:
- Drifts out of a lane
- Makes an improper lane change
- Passes unsafely
Together, these three types of collisions accounted for over 69% of the crashes in Chula Vista in 2021.
Causes of Chula Vista Car Accidents
Among those accidents for which TIMS cited a cause, speeding was the most common factor. Over 30% of the car accidents in Chula Vista involved speeding.
Failure to yield the right-of-way was cited as the cause of nearly 15% of accidents. Improper turning caused just under 12% of accidents. Over 10% of accidents resulted from running a stop sign or stoplight.
TIMS identified two other notable causes: distracted drivers, who injured or killed 106 people, and intoxicated drivers, who injured or killed 155 people.
Injuries from Chula Vista Car Accidents
Chula Vista car accidents killed three motorcyclists, six pedestrians, and four motorists. These accidents also injured 1,132 people, including 71 motorcyclists, 37 bicyclists, and 68 pedestrians.
Among those injured, over 4% suffered a serious injury. These injuries incapacitated the accident victims, requiring ambulance transport to a hospital. Examples of serious injuries include major fractures, lacerations, and head injuries where the accident victim loses consciousness.
Nearly 35% of those injured had a visible but non-incapacitating injury. These injuries include minor fractures, minor lacerations, and bruises.
Over 59% had suspected injuries where the accident victim complained of pain or other symptoms but had no visible injury. These injuries can still have serious consequences. For example, someone with a concussion might feel pain and dizziness with no visible head injury.
Liability for Chula Vista Car Accidents
California uses a fault-based auto insurance system. This system places liability on the driver whose negligent actions caused the accident.
Negligence happens when a driver fails to exercise reasonable care, usually meaning the driver violates traffic laws. But it can also cover legal yet dangerous actions like talking on a cell phone while driving.
Schedule a Free Consultation With A Car Crash Lawyer in Chula Vista
Car accidents in California tend to follow statistical patterns. But this does not necessarily help you avoid them. When you are injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact a Car Crash Lawyer in Chula Vista at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation.