El Paso Assault Injury Lawyer

No one has the right to injure you, touch you, or make you fear for your life. If you were attacked in El Paso, TX, you may have the right to seek financial compensation from your attacker and anyone else who was responsible for the assault. 

Contact an El Paso assault injury lawyer at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers to learn how we’ll fight to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

We have over 43 years of combined experience in personal injury law. Together, we’ve helped injured clients recover tens of millions of dollars in compensation over the years.

If you were assaulted, contact our law offices in El Paso, Texas at (915) 591-1000 to schedule a free consultation today.

How Mission Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help With My El Paso Assault Injury Claim

How Mission Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help With My El Paso Assault Injury Claim

An attack can change your life in dramatic ways. Physical injuries can prevent you from working. The cost of treatment can put a serious strain on your finances. The emotional trauma you have suffered has the potential to impact every aspect of your life.

There’s nothing okay about it. That’s why our El Paso personal injury attorneys are prepared to help you fight for every available dollar. 

At Mission Personal Injury Lawyers, we have a 99% track record of success. We’ve been recognized by Super Lawyers and Rising Stars for that success.

Among other things, you can expect our legal team to:

  • Make sure you understand your legal options
  • Identify anyone who can be held legally responsible for your injuries
  • Hire experts to help prove your case value and establish liability
  • Monitor any ongoing criminal proceedings
  • Negotiate with insurance companies and defense attorneys for full compensation

If you were injured, don’t hesitate to call our El Paso personal injury lawyers for help today. We’ll do everything we can to help you recover fair compensation.

How Common is Assault in Texas?

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), 90,876 cases of aggravated assault were reported statewide in 2021. 14,671 rapes were reported that year. DPS also reported a shocking 231,207 cases involving domestic violence.

Overview of Texas Laws on Assault and Battery

Like in any other state, assault and battery is a criminal offense in the state of Texas. It’s also an intentional tort. An intentional tort gives injured parties the right to seek compensation when they’re hurt because of someone else’s willful wrongdoing.

Criminal charges are obviously handled in criminal court. Your attacker may be facing a prison sentence, monetary fines, and other criminal penalties. In civil court, judges and juries award financial compensation to compensate victims for their losses.

The standard of proof is lower in civil court. If your attacker is acquitted because the state can’t prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, you may still be entitled to compensation. You may also be entitled to seek compensation from someone other than your attacker.

What is My El Paso Assault Injury Case Worth?

Every assault injury case is different. The value of your case will depend on many unique factors. Your settlement or verdict should account for all of your past and future losses–considering both tangible economic losses and your personal losses. 

The value of your civil lawsuit will typically depend on:

  • The nature of your injuries
  • The cost of your medical treatment
  • How the injury impacts your earnings
  • Whether the injury is likely to cause any long-term impairment
  • Damage to your mental health since the attack
  • Your physical suffering
  • The circumstances of the attack
  • The strength of the evidence to prove your case

It’s always tempting to accept a fast insurance settlement offer. After all, you are suffering now. However, accepting a quick settlement can be a mistake. It can mean walking away with far less than you deserve. 

What Types of Damages Are Available to Assault Victims in El Paso?

The same types of damages that are available to car accident victims and victims of medical malpractice are also available to assault victims.

In a successful personal injury case, you deserve compensation for all of your economic damages, including:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Property damage

You can also seek compensation for non-economic damages, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Embarrassment
  • Depression 
  • PTSD and fear
  • Damage to your reputation
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring
  • Damage to personal relationships
  • Loss of consortium

The exact types of compensation available will depend on the circumstances. For example, you may be entitled to punitive damages to punish your attacker for intentional wrongdoing and reckless disregard for human life. 

Our El Paso Assault Injury Attorneys Will Fight to Recover Compensation for All of Your Injuries

Violent attacks can cause a wide range of injuries.

Common types of assault injuries include:

Assault can also cause fatal injuries. If you lost a loved one in a violent assault, contact our wrongful death attorneys for help fighting for justice.

We Handle All Types of Assault Injury Claims in El Paso, Texas

Mission Personal Injury Lawyers handles all types of assault cases, including those involving:

  • Simple assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Assault with a firearm or deadly weapon
  • Domestic violence
  • Muggings or robbery
  • Bar fights
  • Sexual assault
  • Bullying 
  • Police brutality and misconduct
  • Workplace violence
  • School shootings and violence

Regardless of the circumstances of your attack, you can rest assured that our lawyers in El Paso will do everything we can to help you get justice. Just give us a call to schedule a free case review today.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Assault Injuries in El Paso, TX?

People who commit assault can be held financially responsible for their intentional criminal acts. While it may be surprising, people who allow attacks to happen can sometimes be held financially liable. 

Assault injury cases are often based on premises liability laws. When property owners fail to provide adequate security, it’s possible that they can be responsible when others are attacked because of it. The legal concept is called “negligent security.”

You may have a valid negligent security claim if you were assaulted while visiting a:

  • Bar
  • Night club
  • College or university
  • School 
  • Shopping center
  • Parking garage
  • Sports arena
  • Rental apartment complex
  • Hotel
  • Hospital
  • Nursing home
  • Office complex
  • Government building

Our attorneys in El Paso are here to protect your legal right to compensation. If you were a victim of assault, call our law firm today to schedule your free consultation.

How Do I Establish My Right to Financial Compensation After an Attack in El Paso? 

What you must prove depends on the defendant’s identity. 

To recover damages from your attacker, you must typically prove that they intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused bodily injury. You may also be entitled to damages if you can prove that the defendant threatened you with imminent bodily injury but didn’t actually touch you.

To recover damages based on negligent security, you must prove:

  • The property owner owed you a legal duty of care
  • They breached their duty by failing to provide adequate security
  • The attack was reasonably foreseeable
  • The attack caused harm – or damages 

Many negligent security cases hinge on the scope of the property owner’s duty of care. Property owners are only required to take reasonable steps to ensure their property is safe for invited visitors and guests. In other words, they’re only liable when they’re negligent.

The scope of the property owner’s duty can depend on many different factors, including:

  • Whether other violent crimes had been committed in the neighborhood
  • The type of business establishment 
  • The types of people who tend to visit the business

For example, what constitutes “adequate security” will be different for a nightclub owner when compared to the owner of a daycare center. Adequate security all depends on what was reasonable under the circumstances.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit if I Was Assaulted in Texas?

The statute of limitations in most Texas personal injury cases is two years. You have two years from the date of the assault to file a claim for compensation. Wait any longer, and you’ll likely lose your right to compensation.

An exception exists when the defendant is also facing assault charges. The statute of limitations can be paused while the defense lawyer handles the criminal case.

One thing is certain. If you wait too long to sue for damages, you lose your right to compensation entirely.

Contact an El Paso Assault Injury Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today

Your rights have already been violated if you were a victim of assault. Our team at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers is here to stand up and protect your right to compensation for your injuries. Contact us today at (915) 591-1000 to learn more about how an experienced El Paso assault injury lawyer can fight for you.

Our personal injury law firm in El Paso, TX also provides:

Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in El Paso, TX

Mission Personal Injury Lawyers – El Paso Office
201 E Main Suite 106
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 591-1000
Hours: 24/7

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