Are Car Accident Reports Public Record in San Diego, CA?

No, car accident reports are not generally a matter of public record in California. According to California Vehicle Code §20012, all accident reports are for the confidential use of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of the California Highway Patrol. However, interested parties… read more

Child Booster Seat/Restraint Laws in California

Breaking California child car seat laws could result in a traffic ticket and a fine. However, it could also result in serious injuries in an automobile accident. Child booster seats and car seats are designed to protect a child from injury during a car crash…. read more

Has My Vehicle Suffered Diminished Value After My Crash?

California is an at-fault state for motor vehicle accidents. When another driver causes a car accident, they are responsible for your economic and non-economic damages. Personal injury damages may include physical injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  However, you may also have… read more

Nine Factors that Determine How Much to Expect from a Car Accident Settlement

Many factors can influence the value of a car accident case. Since a car accident settlement is intended to compensate you for your losses, more serious injuries and greater time for missed work will result in larger settlements.  But other factors can reduce your potential… read more

Who Pays For the Medical Bills After a Car Accident in San Diego, CA?

The medical bills after a car accident can be staggering. A minor injury could include an emergency room visit, follow-up visits with a physician, physical therapy, and medications. As a result, a person could owe thousands of dollars for a minor car accident injury. If… read more

What Happens to Your Body in a Rollover Accident?

What is a rollover accident? A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle rolls over one or more times onto its side or roof during a crash. Car crashes involving rollovers are extremely dangerous. These types of traffic accidents account for about one-third of the traffic… read more

What Are the Odds Of Dying in a Car Crash in San Diego?

Traffic fatalities are a reality. Most people survive car accidents. They may sustain catastrophic injuries and permanent disabilities, but they survive. However, thousands of people die each year in motor vehicle accidents. According to the Bureau of Transportation, there have been over 32,000 traffic fatalities… read more

Are You Suffering From PTSD After a Car Accident?

When a person is involved in a car accident, the primary focus is on the person’s physical injuries. Physicians, nurses, and other medical staff members rush to stabilize, diagnose, and treat the physical injuries. However, as the patient heals from those injuries, symptoms of psychological… read more

What Happens if You Are Sued After Causing a Collision in San Diego?

California is an at-fault state for car accidents. If you cause a car accident, you can be sued by the victims for damages. If you are found at fault, you could be personally liable for paying the victims for their damages. How Long Does Someone… read more

What Are My Rights When I’m Pulled Over in San Diego, CA?

Being pulled over by a police officer can be extremely stressful. Current news events have caused many people to fear traffic stops. A traffic stop could lead to an arrest, so it is important that you know your legal rights before a police officer stops… read more