What Are the Rules in California Regarding Stopping for a School Bus?

As the school year commences in California, it’s important that all motorists are familiar with our state’s laws regarding stopping for school buses. School buses transport vulnerable children. Therefore, the penalties for breaking these laws can be significant. You might also face an insurance claim… read more

What Should I Wear to a San Diego Court?

If you are scheduled for a court date in San Diego, CA, it is important to understand how to dress appropriately. Most people are not aware that California courtrooms maintain certain basic dress codes. Also, certain judges may have adopted unique standards of dress for… read more

Can Trucks Drive in the Left Lane in San Diego?

In most cases, the left-most lane on a multi-lane highway is reserved for the fastest traffic on the road. That’s why the left lane is often referred to as the “passing lane.” Lane restrictions apply to all multi-lane highways in San Diego and across California. … read more

How Does the Car Accident Settlement Process Work in San Diego, CA?

Most car accident cases don’t end up going to trial. Over half of them settle before the injured party files a lawsuit. And of those cases that do not settle pre-trial, fewer than 5% reach a jury. However, insurers do not automatically settle every case…. read more

Do You Have to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet in San Diego, CA?

Motorcyclists are very vulnerable on the road. If you’re inside a car or truck when an accident occurs, you are protected by the frame of your vehicle. Motorcyclists don’t have this same luxury. Motorcyclists involved in accidents are 27 times more likely to lose their… read more

How to Find Out if Someone Has Car Insurance in San Diego, CA?

The rate of car accidents in San Diego is on the rise. While you’ll hopefully never be involved in one, it’s important to understand your rights after a car accident. Your car accident may have been the result of someone else’s negligence. California is an… read more

Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?

Cars that can drive themselves without a human behind the wheel were once nothing more than a sci-fi trope. That may change within your lifetime. Several automotive companies have been experimenting with self-driving cars in recent years. Some have even claimed that self-driving cars will… read more

Can I Sue the San Diego Zoo If I’m Injured at the Zoo

When you visit the San Diego Zoo, you assume that zoo officials take certain precautions to protect you from injuries.  However, incidents and accidents might occur because of: Animal attacks and bites Slips, trips, and falls Food poisoning Injury on playground equipment Assaults because of… read more

10 Worst Celebrity Car Accidents

Anyone can suffer a fatal injury in a car accident, including celebrities. Artists, athletes, actors, military leaders, academics, and even royalty have died in car and motorcycle accidents. Distracted driving, speeding, intoxication, and bad weather play a part in these celebrity car accidents. So which… read more

How Much Does a Lawyer Charge for a San Diego Car Accident Case?

Attorneys’ fees for a car accident case depend on several factors. The value of your claim is often the most important factor in how much you pay for a personal injury lawyer. Many personal injury lawyers take car accident claims on a contingency fee basis…. read more