What Kinds of Neck and Back Injuries Result From El Paso Car Accidents?

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be physically or emotionally traumatized. And if you were involved in the accident through no fault of your own, the devastating impacts of a car accident can be especially difficult to swallow. 

There are many injuries that a car accident can cause, with two of the more serious being neck and back injuries. For El Paso residents, these injuries can come with a range of challenging results. 

Common Car Accident Neck and Back Injuries 

Certain neck and back injuries tend to occur most frequently as a result of car accidents. Some of the most common neck and back injuries from car accidents in El Paso include:

Fractured Vertebrae 

One of the most ubiquitous injuries that car accident victims experience is fractured vertebrae, which are also known as vertebral compression fractures. Not only can this condition permanently damage your range of motion, but it can also cause extensive physical pain and discomfort. 

Spinal Cord Injuries 

A spinal cord injury is one of the most serious injuries that a car accident can cause. The spinal cord is integral to a person’s range of motion and therefore impacts the entire body. Damage to the spinal cord can cause partial or total paralysis and can even be fatal

Herniated Discs 

A herniated disc happens when one of the soft, rubbery discs between the spinal bones pushes through a tear in its tougher exterior. If you are experiencing muscle weakness, neck pain, or shoulder pain after a car accident, you may have a herniated disc. 

This injury can cost an astounding amount of money due to the X-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans necessary to diagnose and treat it. 


When a car accident causes your head or neck to move beyond your normal range of motion, it may cause damage to the muscles and ligaments in your neck, known as whiplash. Whiplash can potentially result in long-term pain. 

Effects of Neck and Back Injuries and Damages You Can Seek for Them

After a life-altering car crash, every aspect of your daily routine may be impacted. Here are a few ways car accident neck and back injuries can impact your life and what damages you can seek for these effects:

Wage Losses 

Depending on your injury, a car accident might render you unable to work, perhaps for a few weeks — or for a lifetime. In these cases, your car accident settlement may include wage losses to account for this loss of future income. 

Medical Costs 

Some neck and back car accident injuries entail serious medical interventions with gargantuan costs. If car accident victims don’t seek damages for medical costs, they may go into debt or declare bankruptcy.

Long-Term Care 

Some of the most financially devastating car accident injuries are those that leave victims unable to care for themselves independently. You may be able to seek damages for the enormous expense of long-term care. 

Pain and Suffering

Car accident injuries aren’t just physically damaging; they’re psychologically damaging as well. You may be able to seek monetary compensation for the pain and emotional distress caused by your neck or back injury, in addition to the trauma of the experience itself. 

Obtaining Compensation for the Results of Car Accident Injuries in El Paso

A neck or back injury from a car accident in El Paso can have serious and far-reaching consequences. Fortunately, you may be able to recover compensation for those effects with the help of an experienced car accident attorney. 

If you were injured in a car accident and believe another driver is to blame, it is essential to seek legal guidance to determine your legal options.

Contact the El Paso Car Accident Law Firm of Mission Personal Injury Lawyers Today To Get More Information

If you’ve been injured in San Diego or Chula Vista, please call Mission Personal Injury Lawyers for a free case evaluation with a car accident lawyer or contact us online.

We proudly serve San Diego County and throughout California.

Mission Personal Injury Lawyers
2515 Camino del Rio S Suite 350, San Diego, CA 92108

(619) 777-5555

Mission Personal Injury Lawyers – Chula Vista Office
690 Otay Lakes Rd #130, Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 722-3032

We also serve the state of Texas. Contact our personal injury law office in El Paso for legal assistance today.

Mission Personal Injury Lawyers – El Paso Office
201 E Main Suite 106, El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 591-1000